So we have seen what democracy across the water can do. All in all a jarring experience for anyone foolish enough to believe that America is democratic in anything except furiously imprisoning the innocent and joyously electing the guilty. What to do? As a first step, I invite the radicals at C-SPAN who take seriously our Constitution and Bill of Rights to address their attention to the corruption of the presidential election of 2004, particularly in the state of Ohio.
(The Nation)
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Gore Vidal: Something Rotten in Ohio
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Senate GOP Turns Up Heat Over Bolton
Senate Republicans sought Tuesday to turn up the political heat on Democrats stalling the nomination of President Bush's choice to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
"It's been 200 days that this vacancy sign above our U.N. ambassador's door in New York has been blinking. It is now time to end that," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist told reporters.
The Tennessee Republican said he would schedule a vote at the end of the week to cut off debate on Bolton so that the Senate can hold a final up-or-down vote on Bolton's nomination.
However, it's not clear Frist has enough votes to end debate. Several Democrats would have to side with all Republicans to reach the 60 votes needed to go forward.
Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), R-Ariz., said that holding such a vote — even if it doesn't succeed — keeps the pressure on Democrats. "I don't want people to have the impression that we just dropped the Bolton vote," he said.
Democrats complain that the administration has refused to give them access to information they need to make informed decisions on whether Bolton is the right man for the job.
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