Thursday, February 28, 2008

At summit, Hillary Rodham Clinton details plans to aid economy

ZANESVILLE, Ohio – Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday held an economic summit and discussed her plans to fix the home foreclosure crisis, reinvest in a sagging manufacturing sector and help students pay for college.

The roundtable, with 15 panelists and an audience of 300, kicked off the Democratic candidate's two-day tour of Appalachian Ohio.

Mrs. Clinton promised to close tax loopholes that benefit companies moving jobs overseas, reinvest in the manufacturing sector, put a moratorium on home foreclosures, and create 5 million "green collar" jobs in the clean energy industry.

"I think we've got some great opportunities here. We hear a lot about the problems and they are serious, but I believe for every problem there is at least one solution," Mrs. Clinton said.

"We just have to start acting like Americans again, and roll up our sleeves and actually solve our problems. No more whining, no more finger pointing. Let's get to work."

Mrs. Clinton assembled plenty of horse power for the Zanesville summit: two governors, two lieutenant governors, former U.S. Sen. John Glenn, labor leaders and business executives, as well as Robert Landry and Beth Dlabay of Dayton, who lost their home to foreclosure on Christmas Eve.

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