Tuesday, March 08, 2005

CNN Fact Checks Bush On Social Security

"CNN Fact Check: The statement is misleading. The president says the money from the private account is an "add-on" to the traditional plan, which implies that a retiree under this plan would receive the same check he or she would normally get under the current system, and additional money from a private account. That is incorrect."


Anonymous said...

Bush just continues to lie to the American people or he is too dumb to understand the facts and figures,he should leave well enough alone and let the people invest where they may with the funds they feel they can afford,keep SSI as it is.T.A.

Anonymous said...

Bush just continues to lie to the American people or he is too dumb to understand the facts and figures,he should leave well enough alone and let the people invest where they may with the funds they feel they can afford,keep SSI as it is.T.A.