Tuesday, March 29, 2005

GAO to Investigate Bush Administration Propaganda

The Government Accountability Office plans to investigate payments from the Bush administration to syndicated columnist Maggie Gallagher, a GAO spokeswoman confirmed Monday. The congressional investigative agency will try to determine whether the Department of Heath and Human Services broke any laws when it paid Gallagher to help promote a marriage initiative, the spokeswoman said.
The GAO is already investigating a $240,000 contract with syndicated columnist/radio host Armstrong Williams from the Department of Education. Williams was being paid to promote the No Child Left Behind law.


Bush Puppet Maggie Gallagher

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The United States is being inidated with these puppets and liars put forth by the administration,I guess these right wingers really know the value of a buck,because they know how to use it to their benifit wether legal or not,some of these people should be made to return the money and fired from their positions. T.A.