Monday, April 25, 2005

Just What Is the Republican Agenda?

Americans are worried about the economy, skyrocketing gas prices, their kids' education, and healthcare, but Republicans continue to ignore these issues, choosing instead to focus on their power grab.

Just this past Saturday, President Bush even said he couldn't "wave a magic wand" to alleviate gas prices and help American families. Fact is, he's had more than four years to address the problem, but he hasn't. Meanwhile, gas prices have risen by 55 percent, and Americans are watching more and more of their hard earned money drained at the gas pump.

Democrats are fighting to defeat the filibuster and get back to work addressing the real issues people care about - alleviating rising gas prices, providing affordable health care for all Americans, and finding a solution to Social Security that addresses long term solvency without cutting benefits or adding trillions to the national debt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Democrats rule!!!!!!!!!!!!