Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hillary's Reviews Are In: 'A Strong New Note,' 'Effective Tone,' 'A Solid Body Blow'

NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell –Hillary ‘came across very credibly, very strongly as a fighter.’ [MSNBC post-debate analysis, 2/26/08]

NBC News’ Domenico Montaro – ‘That was a solid body blow by Clinton on Obama not holding a single hearing on Afghanistan.’ “That was a solid body blow by Clinton on Obama not holding a single hearing on Afghanistan despite that he talks about it being the front line on terrorism and that he chairs the subcommittee on Europe, which oversees NATO. While Obama's explanation may be realistic -- that he became chair at the beginning of his campaign -- doesn't it reinforce Hillary and Bill Clinton's points that he is inexperienced, that he has only been in the Senate for a limited time and hasn't cut his teeth yet. Doesn't that play right into the inexperience narrative quite well?” [MSNBC First Read, 2/26/08]

ABC News’ Rick Klein – ‘It does seem like Clinton has settled on an effective tone this evening.’ “That silly distraction of an SNL reference aside -- it does seem like Clinton has settled on an effective tone this evening. She's mixing substance with style, attacking without seeming overtly negative, sounding like she's playing defense when she's really playing offense.” [ABC News Political Radar, 2/26/08]

The Swamp's Jason George – 'Clinton strikes a new strong note, saying she plans to get $55 billion back from special interest groups for the American middle class.' [Chicago Tribune’s The Swamp, 2/26/08]

NBC News’ David Gregory said Hillary’s ‘answer on having to be a fighter on health care is her strong suit.’ “Senator Clinton the fighter. This answer on having to be a fighter on health care is her strong suit. Her point in lampooning Obama's high-flying oratory is to say, I, too, had only the highest ideals about public service in Washington. But I know through experience, you need different tactics. This is her experience argument.” [MSNBC First Read, 2/26/08]

MyDD’s Todd Beeton – Hillary’s ‘I’m a fighter’ line was ‘one of her best selling points.’ "Hillary Clinton: "I'm a fighter." One of her best selling points, especially against Obama." [, 2/26/08]

Ohio Daily Blog – ‘Clinton did well with Russert's question about her 2000 pledge about creating jobs in Buffalo.’ [Ohio Daily Blog, 2/26/08]

WCPO Radio’s Dan Walthrip – ‘Hillary Clinton certainly claimed ownership of the word 'universal' in terms of healthcare.’ [WKYC post-debate analysis, 2/26/08]

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