Thursday, February 24, 2005

Limbaugh Attacks Dems in Appearance Before Troops

"While in Afghanistan to highlight America's ongoing relief efforts in that country, nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh delivered a partisan attack against a "political party," an apparent reference to Democrats, in a discussion with American troops...It isn't clear who is paying for Limbaugh's trip to Afghanistan or if he is being paid for his time."
(Media Matters for America)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh proved or rather got caught,was proven to be a exactly what he is...a hypocrite and I also believe he is just another person in the media who's taken a kick back to go spread his venom anywhere he can about the democrats.It is a shame that he had nothing better to say to these men and women who are prtecting the men like him even though he doesn't deserve it.He has the right first name and should rush himself right off the air. T.A.